Tuesday, 22 March 2011


  • Introduction in class F.O.P.
  • Miss tergkn pe yg perlu bt tok class F.O.P.
  • In class ada forum,weekly refleaction,asiment n blog.
  • Buat group setiap kumpulan ada 5org.
  • My group name is ECHELON TECH.
  • Pengenalan chapter1 about Algoritm,Pseudo Code n Flow chat.
  • Slps finish miss surh wt weekly reflection in class by group.
  • akhir skali,homework about Procedure Programming,Structure Programming n Object Orientad Programming.
  • and see in next week.. :):):)

  • Algorithm is a sequence of instruction to solve a problem.
  • Algorithm can be illustrated in either text or graphic.
      example:Find the are of rectangle.
  1. Get the width of a rectangle.
  2. Get the height of rectangle.
  3. Calculate the are using the formula area=width*height
  4. Display the area of rectangle.
  • Pseudocode is an outline of a program written in a from that can easily be converted into real programming statements.
  • From algorithm the programming develop the pseudocude.

  • Flowchart is a graphic representation of the logic or step in a program.



§         Procedural programming is an approach specifiying the steps the program must take to reach the desired state.
§         Programming language to create computer memory locations that can hold value and writing a series of steps
§         Also know as routines, subroutines, method or functions
§         A procedural program defines the variable memory location and then calls or invokes a series of procedure to input, manipulate and output thee value stored in those  locations
§         Structured program are composed of simple, hierarchical program flow structures and the programs are broken into shorter subroutines.
§         Simple hierarchical program flow structure or primitive statements such as assignments or procedure calls.
§         Sequential structure refers to a sequence of statements executed in order.
§         Selection structure, one of a number of statements is executed depending on the state of the program
§         Repetition structured a statements is executed until the program reaches a certain state a applied to every element of a collection.
§         This techniques help to make isolated small pieces of code easier to understand without having to understand the whole program at once.
§      Object-oriented programming is an extension of procedural programming, thinking in an object-oriented manner involves envisioning program components as objects that are similar to concrete object in the real world and you manipulate the object to achieve a desired.
§      Object in both the real world and in object oriented programming are made up of states and method (function). The states of an object are known as attributes. Your mobile phone is an instance of the class that is made up of all hand phones, example, can make calls and receive calls, and receive short massages.
§      Programmer are allowed to access to data or procedures only via a specified interface

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